Zero Skateboards was founded by Jamie Thomas in 1996 as an answer to the mediocrity in skateboarding during this time. The goal was to create a brand that spoke to underdogs and represented the rebellious roots of skateboarding.
Jamie has been at the helm of ZERO for the past 2-decades, and the brand is still dedicated to no-nonsense skateboarding.
"I'm excited to work closely with Ultimate as we set up independent distribution for Zero. Our goal is to connect with retailers and support them however possible while solidifying our Canadian team and preparing for a cross country tour."
- Jamie Thomas
Ultimate Distribution carried Zero exclusively in Canada when the brand first started, and we're very happy to see it back in the family.
"Ultimate first opened it's doors in 1985. We've seen many heritage brands come through our doors, Zero being one of them. We watched Jamie make Zero one of the biggest and most iconic brands in skate history. To have the opportunity to work with Jamie again is amazing, and we're very excited to see what the future has in store."
- Kevin Harris
"I just met Jamie last year when he was the key speaker at the IASC Summit Meeting. With his passion and focused direction on Zero, we knew we had to be involved. Ultimate and Jamie are going to work closely together to support Zero and Canadian retailers in the best way possible."
- Brad Richmond
Jamie has also taken a keen interest in Michael Ray, who has now migrated over from the Toy Machine camp to join Zero Skateboards. Zero already consists of some great Canadian talent, and Mikey complements the team perfectly.
"Mikey Ray is an amazing skateboarder that thrives on productivity, I couldn't be more hyped to have him on the program."
- Jamie Thomas